OK is today really Thursday?! Ugh I have been so sick all day long. I never even changed out of my pj’s! So Thursdays usually mean play therapy for my little silent princess. But today apparently I wasn’t the only one sick in bed, her therapists called this morning and said for me to call her tomorrow to reschedule. good thing because I really don’t think I could have mustard up enough energy to drive to her office, which BTW is only about 20 minutes away!

We were actually looking forward to todays session because Tuesday morning her dad and I met up with several school officaials including her teacher and school counselor and really got the ball rolling on getting her some help at school, just needed her therapist’s signiture on a few things first. Oh well we have waited this long a few more days will not hurt.

On a brighter note, my little silent princess isn’t so silent anymore! She is not talking just yet but she is very vocal with her lalalas and she barked like a dog today while i was reading her library book to her. Oh and she has slipped up a few times and said a few words which unfortunately have immediately been followed by anxiety attacks, but we are making huge progress!!! YAY!!!